Comparison of physiological load among different sizes of computer mouse


  • Yao- Wen Hsu Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Ta-Hwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
  • Lieh Chen Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Ta-Hwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan


Computer mouse, Computer operating, Hand size, EMG, Physical load


The purpose of this study is to compare the difference in physiological load among three different sizes of computer mouse. The mouse is one of the most commonly used input devices for controlling computer system. However, due to the fact that there are many different sizes of mice available to consumers and the hand size of each consumer is quite different from each other, so this study is trying to determine the suitability of different mouse sizes with consideration of the parameter of hand size of each person. A series of operation experiments will be conducted to collect the data of EMG of hand muscles for evaluating physical load of computer mouse. Twelve adults were recruited according to the two genders and six size combinations of hand length and hand width distribution. The results showed that gender, computer operating activities and hand width may affect the EMG (% MVC) on four groups of muscle. It could apply to computer mouse design and other related hand tool design.


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How to Cite

Wen Hsu, Y.-., & Chen, L. . (2016). Comparison of physiological load among different sizes of computer mouse. Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 5(7), 468-475. Retrieved from



Computer and Information Science