Ultrasound diagnosis and surgical treatment of coenurosis (gid) in bengal goat (capra hircus) at chittagong metropolitan area, chittagong, Bangladesh


  • Dibyendu Biswas Department of Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Khanpura, Babugonj, Barisal-8210, Bangladesh


Ultrasound, gid, goat, Bangladesh


Coenurosis is a fatal disease of goats unless surgical relief is provided. A total of 2,055 goats were brought to teaching veterinary hospital, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University since January-September/2012, of which four (0.19%) cases of gid disease were recorded based on a neurological examination. Cysts were located by ultrasound examination. Of the four cases, three goats were successfully cured surgically. The remaining goat had a cyst that was located so deep that removal was not possible. In conclusion, the use of ultrasound examination in association with a detailed neurological examination may provide a credential efficiency to locate and surgically remove coenurosis cysts in goats.


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How to Cite

Biswas, D. . (2013). Ultrasound diagnosis and surgical treatment of coenurosis (gid) in bengal goat (capra hircus) at chittagong metropolitan area, chittagong, Bangladesh. Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances, 2(5), 68-75. Retrieved from https://www.sjournals.com/index.php/sjva/article/view/1466



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