Genotype influencing yield and milk composition in different dairy production systems


  • Never Assan Zimbabwe Open University, Department of Agriculture Management, Faculty of Science, Bulawayo Region, Box 3550, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe


Genotype, Yield, Composition, Dairy production


The milk yield and milk composition of dairy animals are influenced by a large number of factors. Generally, these factors are based on genetic and non-genetic differences between dairy animals. While the genetic potential of an animal is fixed at conception, non genetic factors such as nutrition, management, milking frequency, rearing methods, stage of lactation, etc. determine whether genetic potential is attained. Therefore, the maximum marketable milk yield with different fat and protein content is desirable to producers to increase farm profitability and can be affected by choice of appropriate genotype. The present discussion explores the consequences of choice of genotype in dairy production enterprises for the milk yield and composition. The discussion points to the fact that genotype affect either yield or milk composition during the entire lactation. However, across genotypes fat and protein yields are affected by both the quantity of milk produced and fat or protein percentages in the milk.


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How to Cite

Assan, N. . (2015). Genotype influencing yield and milk composition in different dairy production systems. Scientific Journal of Biological Sciences, 4(1), 1-9. Retrieved from



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